Mozzarella pizza


For the dough
  • All-purpose flour 250 gr
  • Water 180 ml approximately
  • Dry yeast 1 1/2 teaspoon
  • Olive oil 1 tablespoon
  • Salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • Sugar 1/2 teaspoon
For the stuffing
  • Fresh mozzarella cheese 5 balls cut into slices
  • Tomatoes 2 big grated
  • Water 1/2 glass
  • Tomato paste 1 1/2 teaspoon
  • Basil chopped for sprinkle


In a bowl put all the ingredients for the dough and knead until it is not sticky (if necessary add water or flour).Shape the dough into a big ball and let it rest in the bowl covered with a towel,meanwhile prepare the tomato sauce.Grate the tomatoes and put them in a saucepan with the tomato paste and the water.Boil the sauce until thickened.Cut the mozzarella cheese into slices.Roll out the dough using a rolling pin and place it into a greased roasting pan.Spread the sauce over the dough,top with the mozzarella cheese and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes(depending on the oven and the thickness of the dough,thin dough needs less baking).As soon as it is ready,remove from the oven sprinkle with the chopped basil(optionally sprinkle with fresh basil leaves) and serve.


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